THE HAL ROACH BACKLOT + BEYOND THE BACK LOT: MAIN MENU Created by Jim Dallape and Robert A. Winslow. Coded and designed by Lord Heath. Please note that as of 2020 this tour will no longer be updated on this website. |
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Shot On The Lot Santa Fe Station Hollenbeck Park Baldwin Hills |
This project aims to show you the shooting locations of many of the films on the Hal Roach lot, using a numbered-labelled grid to correspond with the screenshot. The first map is split into twenty-one areas, all of which are accessible by clicking on a numbered button from any page. The second map is "Beyond The Back Lot" and is a further fourteen sections. For reference of which number represents which location, please refer to this main menu page and the diagrams below. It is designed to be a "tour" of the Roach lot, beginning in the top North-East corner and working its way around in a clockwise manner and revealing screenshots from a number of films in a carefully constructed geographical order. The screenshots theoretically run in approximate order according to the grid, so it is as though you are physically walking along the street and seeing the buildings in the correct order. You will note that each screenshot contains numbered markings to identify buildings which correspond with the map. Below, each building on the lot is marked with a corresponding number and a list of all known films shot at each location is listed in detail. Special thanks to Marc Wanamaker/Bison Archives for the use of several images. |
A Walking Tour of the Hal Roach Studios Back Lot: Key and Notes 1A. Three story tenement with brick facing. Constructed circa 1922, remained in place until circa 1926. -Furniture (It’s a Gift, 1923) -Books Bought Sold and Exchanged (Big Red Riding Hood, fall 1924) -Tenement (Jewish Prudence, 1926) 1B. Three story tenement with brick facing. In place 1922-1926. -Shoe Repairing (The Cobbler, Aug.-Sept. 1922) -Tenement (Dogs of War, Feb. 1923) -Tenement (It’s a Gift, 1923) -Tenement (Big Moments from Little Pictures, Nov.-Dec. 1923) -Tenement (Big Red Riding Hood, fall 1924) 1C. Triple flight of wooden stairs on south end of #1B. Later removed circa 1926 and reinstalled at location of #17 (see #17 listing for subsequent history). -Tenement stairs (It’s a Gift, 1923) -Stairs (Big Moments from Little Pictures, Nov.- Dec. 1923) 1. First set: Two story set with shop on ground floor, facing west. In place 1926-27. -Barber Shop (Why Girls Say No, Sept. 1926) -Tenement demolished by truck (Jewish Prudence, 1926) 1. Second set: Formerly located at #47-48, replaced at site #1 circa September 1928. In fall 1931 this set underwent renovation; the brick facing was replaced and the store front slightly modernized with larger windows. -Fruit stand (A Lad an’ a Lamp, Sept. 1932) -Unmarked storefront (It Happened One Day, spring 1934; Washee Ironee, late summer 1934) -Luncheonette advertising Businessman’s Lunch (Arbor Day, Feb. 1936) -Barber shop (Topper, Mar. -Apr. 1937) 2. -Tony’s Fruit Stand (Stage Fright, Mar.-Apr. 1923) -Pawn Shop (Big Red Riding Hood, fall 1924) -Pickled Herring delicatessen (The Panic Is On, May 1931) -Yun Wong Laundry (Washee Ironee, late summer 1934) -Grocery with large breadbox outside marked “Coule’s Bread Fresh Daily” (Arbor Day, Feb. 1936) 3. -The Pink Pup (Love ‘Em and Weep, Nov.-Dec. 1926) -Tewksbury Modiste (The Battle of the Century, Oct. 1927) -Cigar stand (The Panic Is On, May 1931) 4. -[indecipherable] Singer [?] (The Fourth Alarm, April 1926; Love ‘Em and Weep, Nov.-Dec. 1926) -Unmarked storefront (The Second Hundred Years, June 1927) -Ye Olde Pie Shoppe (The Battle of the Century, Oct. 1927) -Ye Olde Shoppe ( You’re Darn Tootin’, Jan. 1928) -Shoe Repairing (Too Many Women, Feb.-Mar. 1932) -Pioneer Paints (Saps at Sea, Nov.- Dec. 1939) 5. -New and Second Hand Clothing (No Father to Guide Him, June 1925) -Park Florist (The Fourth Alarm, Apr. 1926; Jewish Prudence, 1926; Love ‘Em and Weep, Nov-Dec. 1926; The Second Hundred Years, June 1927; The Battle of the Century, Oct. 1927) -F. Olptz (What Price Taxi, June 1932; A Lad an’ a Lamp, Sept. 1932; Taxi Barons, Dec. 1932; Beauty and the Bus, summer 1933; Midsummer Mush, summer 1933) -sundries store with window display of pottery (Saps at Sea, Nov-Dec. 1939) -Plaque on corner: Taft Building (The Battle of the Century, Oct. 1927; You’re Darn Tootin’, Jan. 1928), subsequently not present -Second level: electric corner sign reading “Jubilo” (circa 1938) 6. -Elite Bar (Looking for Sally, Feb. 1925) -Show window with used clothing, doorway to right of window (Blotto, Dec. 1929; The Kickoff, Sept. 1931) -Doorway remodeled circa 1936: two-storey entrance with glass upper windows flanked by Ionic columns: National Security Bank (Topper, Mar.-Apr. 1937; A Chump at Oxford, Sept. 1939) -Furniture store (Saps at Sea, Nov.-Dec. 1939) 7. -3 storey building, mansard-style roof with dormers on top level (The Battle of the Century, Oct. 1927; You’re Darn Tootin’, Jan. 1928; Two Tars, June 1928; Blotto, Dec. 1929) -Wabash Electric Company (Official Officers, 1925; Monkey Business, 1925) -Covered by brick false front façade, circa 1931 (The Kickoff, Sept. 1931) -New set comprising #7 through 11A constructed circa August-September 1933 approximately 20 feet to east of former #7 through 10 facades, along Wesley Avenue boundary of studio property. -Office building (The Chases of Pimple Street, fall 1934) -Globe Pipe Shop, Cigars Cigarettes Tobaccos (A Chump at Oxford, Sept. 1939) 8. -Furniture (Official Officers, Feb. 1925) -Bock Beer parlor (Looking for Sally, Feb. 1925) -Pool Room/Pool 5 cents (Putting Pants on Philip. Sept. 1927; The Battle of the Century, Oct. 1927) -Joe’s Pleasure Palace (The Kick-Off, Sept. 1931; Any Old Port, Sept. 1931; On the Loose, Oct. 1931; The Pooch, March 1932) -Remodeled with art-deco façade as with #7, 1933: large department store style show window (Sons of the Desert, Oct. 1933; Babes in the Goods, 1934; Washee Ironee, late summer 1934; Nurse to You, early summer 1935; Top Flat, fall 1935) -Barber Shop (You’re Darn Tootin’, Jan. 1928; Two Tars, June 1928; Going Ga Ga, Sept. 1928) -Remodeled in 1933 with art-deco façade as with #7: new facade comprised four glass-fronted doors and on second level a vertically paned window divided by three mullions. -Apartment house entrance (Sons of the Desert, Oct. 1933) -Department store entrance (Honkey Donkey, spring 1934; Babes in the Goods, spring 1934) -Apartment house entrance (Washee Ironee, late summer 1934; Okay Toots, Fall 1934; Nurse to You, early summer 1935) -Hotel Ritz Plaza (Manhattan Monkey Business, late summer 1935) -The Warwick, Apartment house (Top Flat, fall 1935) -Apartment house entrance (Kelly the Second, Jan-Feb. 1936) -Rainbow Club (Topper, Mar.-Apr. 1937) -Evening Globe (A Chump at Oxford, Sept. 1939) -Biltmore Hotel (Abbott and Costello Show, 1952-53 passim) 9A. -Saloon (Looking for Sally, Feb. 1925) -Barber Shop (You’re Darn Tootin’, Jan. 1928; Two Tars, June 1928; Going Ga Ga, Sept. 1928) -Remodeled in 1933 with art-deco façade as with #7: new facade comprised four glass-fronted doors and on second level a vertically paned window divided by three mullions. -Apartment house entrance (Sons of the Desert, Oct. 1933) -Department store entrance (Honkey Donkey, spring 1934; Babes in the Goods, spring 1934) -Apartment house entrance (Washee Ironee, late summer 1934; Okay Toots, Fall 1934; Nurse to You, early summer 1935) -Hotel Ritz Plaza (Manhattan Monkey Business, late summer 1935) -The Warwick, Apartment house (Top Flat, fall 1935) -Apartment house entrance (Kelly the Second, Jan-Feb. 1936) -Rainbow Club (Topper, Mar.-Apr. 1937) -Evening Globe (A Chump at Oxford, Sept. 1939) -Biltmore Hotel (Abbott and Costello Show, 1952-53 passim) 10. -brick storefront (You’re Darn Tootin’, Jan. 1928). -Dr. Browne Surgeon Upstairs (Two Tars, June 1928; Going Ga Ga, Sept. 1928) -Remodeled in 1933 with art-deco façade as with #7. Show window (Sons of the Desert, Oct. 1933; Opened by Mistake, summer 1934; Top Flat, fall 1935) -Juliette fashion store (Topper, Mar.-Apr. 1937) -Part of newspaper office (A Chump at Oxford, Sept. 1939) -Looted department store (Twilight Zone episode “Two”, Sept. 1961) 11. -Show window (Opened by Mistake, summer 1934; A Chump at Oxford, Sept. 1939) -Looted department store (Twilight Zone episode “Two”, Sept. 1961) 11A. -Unmarked storefront (Opened by Mistake, summer 1934) -Furniture store (A Chump at Oxford, Sept. 1939) -Mr. Fields’ rooming house with adjacent storefront The Kessler Service Air Rail and Steamship Tickets (The Abbott and Costello Show, 1952-53) -Abandoned with fallen canopy across storefront (Twilight Zone episode “Two”, Sept. 1961) 12. Hotel entrance (Topper, Mar.-Apr. 1937) -Rear entrance, Finlayson National Bank (A Chump at Oxford, June 1939) 13. -Two story façade with six tightly ranked glass windows with Shoe shine concession beneath awning on exterior (Good Cheer, Sept. 1925; The Battle of the Century, Oct. 1927) -Seen without shoe shine concession; building in front of which drunk conducts Stan and Ollie (You’re Darn Tootin’, 1928) -Subsequently remodeled and enlarged with an art-deco façade, 1933. At this time the structure comprising #s 12-13-14 was given four entire sides, a roof, and soundproofing so as to be used for interior as well as exterior filming. -Honolulu Steamship Company exterior and interior(Sons of the Desert, Oct. 1933; Four Parts, Nov.-Dec. 1933; Honkey Donkey, March 1934; I’ll Be Suing You, spring 1934) -Hanson Perrine Stocks and Bonds (Opened by Mistake, summer 1934; Washee Ironee, late summer 1934; Okay Toots, Fall 1934) -First National Bank of Commerce (Thicker Than Water, July 1935; Manhattan Monkey Business, late summer 1935; Top Flat, fall 1935; Kelly the Second, Jan-Feb. 1936) -Hotel (Topper, Mar.-Apr. 1937) -Elite Arms apartment building exterior and interior of lobby (Block-Heads, June-July, 1938) -Front entrance, Finlayson National Bank (A Chump at Oxford, June 1939) -Unmarked front (Saps at Sea, Nov.-Dec. 1939) -Theatre with marquee reading “War News! Actual Footage of Enemy Troops Landing/War News Now” (Twilight Zone episode “Two”, Sept. 1961) 14. -Merchants and Mechanics Bank / Investments (Boys Will Be Joys, March 1925; Charley My Boy, Sept.-Oct. 1925; Monkey Business, 1925; The Fourth Alarm, Apr. 1926; The Second Hundred Years, June 1927; The Battle of the Century, Oct. 1927) -Evening [?] (You’re Darn Tootin’, Jan. 1928) -Regan’s Pool and Billiards (Their Purple Moment, Feb. 1928; Angora Love, March 1929) -H. Schultz Pool Billiards (Call a Cop, June 1931; Call Her Sausage, June 1932; Taxi Barons, Dec. 1932) -Park End Social Club / H. Schultz Pool Billiards (Thundering Taxis, early 1933) -Incorporated with #13 subsquently as part of 1933 renovation (see # 13 preceding for post-1933 usage) -Obscured by tall wooden hoarding marked “Chas. K [?] Builder and Contractor” (The Fixer Uppers, Jan. 1935) -Sign on corner “Our Gang Café” (1950s up to studio demolition, 1963) -Second floor level: rehearsal hall for conductor with external Music sign and smaller sign “Mme. M[?] Modiste” fixed to exterior wall (The Battle of the Century, Oct. 1927; You’re Darn Tootin’, Jan. 1928). Street signs reading “Colorado St.” on northern side and “Fair Oaks Dr.” on western side (Thundering Taxis, early 1933)# -At sidewalk on corner: deep puddle (Their Purple Moment, Feb. 1928; Angora Love, Mar. 1929) 15. -Tenement with twin sets of stairs leading down to sidewalk level (The Love Bug, Jan. 1925; Official Officers, Feb. 1925; Good Cheer, Sept. 1925) -Coffee Joe’s [with false brick front replacing windows and steps] (Fluttering Hearts, Mar. 1927) -Tenement in front of which Stan and Ollie paint a car and the front stoop railing (The Second Hundred Years, June 1927) -Furniture store (Putting Pants on Philip, Sept. 1927) -Tenement in front of which Wheezer rings bicycle bell (Pups is Pups, April 1930) -Gil-Bert Apartments (Any Old Port, Nov. 1931)[see also #26] -Uncle Jack’s tenement and stairs (Pack Up Your Troubles, May 1932) -Patten Custom Tailors (The Lucky Corner, May 1935) -Tenement with shoeshine concession to left of stairs (Our Relations, March-May 1936) -Barber Shop (Twilight Zone episode “Two”, Sept. 1961) 15A. Frontage below street level accessed by steps leading downward on right side of façade. -Beer parlor (Accidental Accidents, May 1924) -National Booking Agency (Jewish Prudence, 1926) -Coffee Joe’s [see #15, above] (Fluttering Hearts, Mar. 1927) -Acme Tailor Ready to Wear Clothing (Putting Pants on Philip, Sept. 1927) -Pete’s For Eats (Below Zero, Feb. 1930) -Unmarked store front (Pups is Pups, April 1930) -Pete’s For Eats (Call A Cop, June 1931; Any Old Port, Sept. 1931; Love Pains, Sept. 1931; The Pooch, March 1932; A Lad an’ a Lamp, Sept. 1932) -Club Lido (Music In Your Hair, late 1933) -Empty storefront (Thundering Taxis, early 1933; The Lucky Corner, May 1935; Our Relations, March-May 1936) -Bar (Twilight Zone episode “Two”, Sept. 1961) 16. Light-colored brick storefront with 2 upper levels. -Gospel Mission (Looking for Sally, Feb. 1925; Official Officers, Feb. 1925; Good Cheer, Sept. 1925) -Real Estate (The Fourth Alarm, Apr. 1926; Jewish Prudence, 1926; Fluttering Hearts, Mar. 1927;Don’t Tell Everything, 1927; The Second Hundred Years, June 1927; Putting Pants on Philip, Sept. 1927) -Restaurant (Moan and Groan, Inc., Sept. 1929) -Restaurant with menu on blackboard advertising Liver 25 / Egg / Lamb / Corn Beef 45 etc., to right of right window (Below Zero, Feb. 1930) -Unmarked storefront ( The Pooch, March 1932) -Sidewalk lunch counter (Strange Innertube, July-Aug. 1932; A Lad an’ a Lamp, Sept. 1932; Thundering Taxis, early 1933) -Tailor (Music In Your Hair, late 1933) -Façade front remodeled slightly circa 1934: Joe’s Pipe Shop / A and Z Pawn Shop Old Gold Bought and Sold (differing facades both used in Our Relations, March-May 1936) -A and Z (Hide and Shriek, May 1938; Screen Directors’ Playhouse, 1956) -Butcher shop (Twilight Zone episode “Two”, Sept. 1961) -Second level above awning: sign “Downtown Hotel” (Strange Innertube, July-Aug. 1932) -Top level, third storey: Finn’s apartment at Mrs. McGregor’s Rooming House (Our Relations, Mar.-May 1936) -Charles Bronson’s refuge (Twilight Zone episode “Two”, Sept. 1961) 17. Three story flight of wooden stairs on exterior of #16. Originally situated at #1C (see previous listing), and moved here circa 1925. -Tenement stairs (Official Officers, Feb. 1925) -For Rent (Don’t Tell Everything, 1927) -Stairs to second and third floor galleries (Liberty, Oct.-Nov. 1928; Below Zero, Feb. 1930; The Pooch, March 1932; Hide and Shriek, May 1938; Screen Directors’ Playhouse, 1956) -Where the Gang nails up signs warning Stymie (The Pooch, Mar. 1932) -Mrs. McGregor’s Rooming House entrance (Our Relations, March-May 1936) -Stairs descended by Charles Bronson (Twilight Zone episode “Two”, Sept. 1961) 18. -Alley with door at basement level of building at dead end of alley (Below Zero, Feb. 1930; The Pooch, March 1932). -Eegle Eye Detective Agency (Hide and Shriek, May 1938) -False brick front erected as exterior of apartment building, flush with sidewalk, connecting #16 with #20 and eliminating alley (Saps at Sea, Nov-Dec. 1939) 19. -Rear entrance to fish market (Liberty, Oct.-Nov. 1928) -Door and window, unmarked (Hurdy Gurdy, April 1929) -Fish market (Moan and Groan, Inc., Sept. 1929) -Door and window unmarked (Below Zero, Feb. 1930) -African-American Mr. Smith’s home (Pack Up Your Troubles, May 1932) -Stage door (A Lad an’ a Lamp, Sept. 1932) -Jail window (Who Killed Doc Robbin?, fall 1946) -Service Entrance (Twilight Zone episode “Two”, Sept. 1961) -Upper level: windows with individual balconies/fire escapes (Hurdy Gurdy, April 1929; A Lad an’ a Lamp, Sept. 1932; Saps at Sea, Nov-Dec. 1939) 20. brick façade with windows surmounted by stone lintels in keystone pattern -New and Second Hand Clothing (Looking for Sally, Feb. 1925; Official Officers, Feb. 1925) -Mack’s Barber Shop with double doors marked 1309 1/2(Good Cheer, Sept. 1925) -H. Samuels Pawn Shop / Loans / with number 502 above doorway (The Fourth Alarm, Apr. 1926; Jewish Prudence, 1926; Fluttering Hearts, Mar. 1927; Leave ‘Em Laughing, Nov. 1927) -Double set of doors with number 312 above doors (The Second Hundred Years, June 1927) -Clothing store (The Battle of the Century, Oct. 1927) -Restaurant (The Boy Friend, 1928) -Unmarked storefront where Blanche Payson gets milk (Below Zero, Feb. 1930) -Open-air diner (A Lad an’ a Lamp, Sept. 1932; Thundering Taxis, early 1933) -Unmarked storefront (Midsummer Mush, summer 1933) -T&A Cleaners (The Fixer Uppers, Jan. 1935) -Unmarked storefront with double doors (Arbor Day, early 1936) -Upper levels: same type of windows but with iron fire escape (Hurdy Gurdy, April 1929) -Dickie Jackson’s home (The Pooch, March 1932) -Billy Gilbert’s apartment (Music In Your Hair, late 1933) -Unmarked apartment windows (Saps at Sea, Nov-Dec. 1939; Screen Directors’ Playhouse, 1956) 21. -The Hub Gents’ Furnishings (Looking for Sally, Feb. 1925; The Uneasy Three, Aug. 1925) -U.S. Pawn Shop with 309 above doorway (Good Cheer, Sept. 1925; Monkey Business, Nov. 1925) -Barber Shop (The Fourth Alarm, Apr. 1926) -Jacob Cohen Furniture (Putting Pants on Philip, Sept. 1927; The Battle of the Century, Oct. 1927; Leave ‘Em Laughing, Nov. 1927; You’re Darn Tootin’, Jan. 1928) -Antiques Dealer (Below Zero, Feb. 1930) -Secondhand store with sign “Bought Exchanged” (Any Old Port, Sept. 1931; A Lad an’ a Lamp, Sept. 1932) -Hotel (Midsummer Mush, summer 1933) -Unmarked storefront (The Fixer Uppers, Jan. 1935) -[indecipherable] Shop (Our Relations, March-May 1936) -Upper level: apartment (The Uneasy Three, Aug. 1925) -Baldwin Cooke’s apartment (Below Zero, Feb. 1930) 21A. -Entrance to Dreamland Dance Hall (Bad Boy, fall 1924) -The Palace (Official Officers, Feb. 1925) -Door marked 316 with glass globe above entrance marked “Rooms” (The Second Hundred Years, June 1927) -Doorway out of which Al Hallet looks, receiving pie (The Battle of the Century, Oct. 1927) -Unmarked door (Below Zero, Feb. 1930); bricked over subsequent to 1930. 22. -D.J. O’Connor Paint and Hardware (Bad Boy, fall 1924; The Uneasy Three, Aug. 1925) -Tire shop (Monkey Business, Nov. 1925) -D.J. O’Connor Paint and Wallpaper (The Fourth Alarm, Apr. 1926; The Second Hundred Years, June 1927; The Battle of the Century, Oct. 1927; Leave ‘Em Laughing, Nov. 1927) -Antiques (Below Zero, Feb. 1930) -The Globe Gents’ Furnishing (Bargain Day, Dec. 1930; Any Old Port, Sept. 1931; Strange Innertube, July-Aug. 1932; A Lad an’ a Lamp, Sept. 1932) -Antiques (The Lucky Corner, May 1935) -F.L. Bauldin Fancy Groceries (Our Relations, March-May 1936) -Mariner’s Club (Twilight Zone episode “Two”, Sept. 1961) -Bay window on second level above storefront. 23. -Diagonal door with window to right, originally on corner of alley connecting through to Main St. exiting to west side of #27 (Below Zero, Feb. 1930; Pups is Pups, April 1930) -On second level: sign for “Home Bakery” (Below Zero, Feb. 1930) -Sign for “Black and Blue Taxicab Training School” (Strange Innertube, July-Aug. 1932) 24. -Umbrella store (Accidental Accidents, May 1924) -Antonio Campanaro Fruits & Vegetables (Official Officers, Feb. 1925) -Grocery (The Uneasy Three, Aug. 1925) -Clothing shop (Don’t Tell Everything, 1927) -Hot Dog Kelly (The Second Hundred Years, June 1927) -Fruit stand/grocery (The Battle of the Century, Oct. 1927) -Campbell Bros. Grocery & Meat Market (You’re Darn Tootin’, Jan. 1928; Two Tars, June 1928) -Swartz Delicatessen Fresh Meat Smoked Pork [ into which Ollie crashes thru front window] (Below Zero, Feb. 1930) -Fancy Grocery (Any Old Port, Sept. 1931) -Staple and Fancy Goods (Pack Up Your Troubles, May 1932) -Grocery with breadbox outside (Midsummer Mush, summer 1933; Oliver the Eighth, Dec. 1933-Jan.1934) -H.L. Threadwell Groceries (For Pete’s Sake, Feb. 1934) -Brilliant Shoe Shine Parlor and Young’s Barber Shop (The Lucky Corner, May 1935; Nurse to You, early summer 1935; Thicker Than Water, July 1935; Our Relations, March-May 1936) -Mr. Bacciagaluppe’s lunch counter (The Abbott and Costello Show episode “Hunger”, 1952) -Restaurant with window signs Sandwiches Coffee Cold Drinks Hot Soup (Twilight Zone episode “Two”, Sept. 1961) 25. -H.F. Doles Bakery Hot Bread Daily 3 PM (Official Officers, Feb. 1925) -Delicatessen (Don’t Tell Everything, 1927) -Ice Cream Cohen (The Second Hundred Years, June 1927) -Unmarked storefront with doorway to right marked by sign “N.D. Gorman Designer” (The Battle of the Century, Oct. 1927) -Unmarked storefront (You’re Darn Tootin’, Jan. 1928; Two Tars, June 1928) -Chop Suey Palace, with doorway to right marked by sign “Dr. H.W. Young Dentist” (Below Zero, Feb. 1930) -Restaurant (The Chimp, Jan. 1932) -Red’s Pool Hall (Pack Up Your Troubles, May 1932) -Laurel and Hardy Tonsorial Parlor (Oliver the Eighth, Dec. 1933-Jan. 1934) -The Variety Store, Novelties Notions Toys & Games (For Pete’s Sake, Feb. 1934) -Paint store with window display “Paint Sale / Renew Your Floors” (The Lucky Corner, May 1935; Nurse to You, early summer 1935; Thicker Than Water, July 1935 -Doorway to right marked above entrance “Furnished Rooms” (The Lucky Corner, May 1935; Our Relations, March-May 1936) -Kieso’s Laundry (Twilight Zone episode “Two”, Sept. 1961) 26. -Donatelli Bros. Grocery and Meat Market (Official Officers, Feb. 1925; Good Cheer, Sept. 1925; Charley My Boy, Sept.- Oct. 1925; Monkey Business, Nov. 1925; The Fourth Alarm, Apr. 1926) -Corner Lunch Room (The Fourth Alarm, Apr. 1926) -Drug Store/newsstand with number 1401 above entrance (Dog Shy, Nov.- Dec. 1925; The Second Hundred Years, June 1927; Putting Pants on Philip, September 1927; The Battle of the Century, Oct. 1927; You’re Darn Tootin’, Jan. 1928) -Goodman Cigars store with number 1401 above entrance (Two Tars, June 1928) -Elite Pet Store with number 1401 above entrance (Angora Love, March 1929) -Drug store with gold mortar and pestle at corner of first storey roofline (Pups is Pups, April 1930; Love Pains, Sept.-Oct. 1931; The Knockout, Nov. 1931; The Chimp, Jan. 1932; Pack Up Your Troubles, May-June 1932; What Price Taxi, June 1932) -Schmaltz Delicatessen (Call Her Sausage, June 1932; Beauty and the Bus, Summer 1933) -Drug store (Nature in the Wrong, early 1933; Oliver the Eighth, Dec. 1933-Jan. 1934) -Winslow Cut Rate Drug Store (For Pete’s Sake, Feb. 1934) -Drug store (I’ll Be Suing You, spring 1934) -Restaurant (The Fixer Uppers, Jan. 1935) -Beverages Orangeade Ice Cold Drinks [the open-air business operated by William Wagner and Leonard Kibrick] (The Lucky Corner, May 1935) -Newsstand with walldog ads “Cigar Store Cigarettes” and “Newspapers and Periodicals”, also shoe shine stand, open to sidewalk (Nurse to You, early summer 1935; Thicker Than Water, July 1935) -Drug Store (At Sea Ashore, early 1936) -Drug store and office of Dr. J. Willoughby Klum (Kelly the Second, Jan-Feb. 1936) -Cigar stand (Topper, Mar.-Apr. 1937) -J.C. Harris & Co. Established 1912 (Topper Takes a Trip, fall 1938) -Grocery store (The Abbott and Costello Show, 1952-53, passim) -Apartments (Twilight Zone episode “Two”, Sept. 1961) -Doorway to right of store: plaque with “Gil-Bert Apartments 557” (Putting Pants on Philip, Sept. 1927; The Battle of the Century, Oct. 1927), subsequently moved to #15 (Any Old Port, Nov. 1931) -Notary Public (Pack Up Your Troubles, May-June 1932; What Price Taxi, June 1932; The Midnight Patrol, June-July 1933; Midsummer Mush, summer 1933) -Doorway subsequently unmarked (cf. preceding, The Fixer Uppers, Jan. 1935, and Topper Takes a Trip, fall 1938) -Second floor level: Lyle Tayo apartment (The Battle of the Century, Oct. 1927); apartments with residents looking out at ambulance (Pups is Pups, April 1930) -On corner post: mailbox on post (The Battle of the Century, Oct. 1927). Post but no mailbox (You’re Darn Tootin’, Jan. 1928). No post present, 1928-1933; mailbox post (Oliver the Eighth, Dec. 1933-Jan. 1934); traffic light (The Lucky Corner, May 1935). 27. -Under construction (Charley My Boy, Sept.- Oct. 1925) -Theater (The Fourth Alarm, Apr. 1926) -The Pink Pup (Putting Pants on Philip, Sept. 1927; The Battle of the Century, Oct. 1927) -Unmarked (You’re Darn Tootin’, Jan. 1928) -Movie theater with box office (Limousine Love, Feb. 1928; Their Purple Moment, Feb. 1928; Two Tars, June 1928; Movie Night, Dec. 1928; Double Whoopee, Feb. 1929; Angora Love, March 1929) -Flower [?] shop (Pups is Pups, April 1930) -Candy counter (Ladies Last, July 1930) -Movie theater with box office (Love Business, Sept. 1930; The Panic Is On, May 1931) -The Elite Barber Shop with outdoor shoe shine stand (The Kickoff, Sept. 1931) -Movie theater with box office (Pack Up Your Troubles, May-June 1932; What Price Taxi, June 1932) -Café Aux Pierrots (Arabian Tights, spring 1933) -Boarded over with “Closed” sign painted on boards (The Midnight Patrol, June-July 1933; Beauty and the Bus, summer 1933) -Theater with box office and marquee above sidewalk marked “Burlesque” (Four Parts, late fall 1933; Music In Your Hair, late 1933) -Movie theater with box office (For Pete’s Sake, Feb. 1934; Another Wild Idea, May 1934; The Lucky Corner, May 1935) -Cigar stand (Top Flat, fall 1935) -Club, with electric bulb sign above entrance (Topper, Mar.-Apr. 1937) -Storefront with double doors flanked by narrow windows (Topper Takes a Trip, fall 1938) 28. -Alley to right of The Pink Pup [q.v. listings for #23 and #52] (Putting Pants on Philip, Sept. 1927). Subsequently filled in by a standing set circa late 1927: building front with tall two-storey gothic-style arch in which is set double doors flanked by twin narrow multipaned windows. -The Pink Pup (Their Purple Moment, Feb. 1928; That’s My Wife, Dec. 1928) -Rusk Building (Angora Love, March 1929) -The Rainbow Club (Blotto, Dec. 1929) -Entrance to dog and pet show auditorium (Pups is Pups, April 1930) -Train depot (Be Big, Dec. 1930) -Café (The Panic Is On, May 1931) -Rear entrance to First National Bank (Pack Up Your Troubles, May-June 1932) -Club with canopied entrance extending to curb (Scram, June 1932) -Unmarked entrance (What Price Taxi, June 1932) -Entrance to Central Terminal (Hot Spot, Aug-Sept. 1932) -Train depot (Thundering Taxis, early 1933) -Unmarked entrance (Beauty and the Bus, summer 1933; Four Parts, late fall 1933; Music In Your Hair, late 1933) -Avon Apts. (Benny from Panama, early 1934) -Westlake Professional Building (For Pete’s Sake, Feb. 1934; Another Wild Idea, May 1934; It Happened One Day, spring 1934) -Mansion House hotel (Something Simple, summer 1934) -Hotel Avon (The Misses Stooge, early 1935) -Ship Bar (Topper Takes a Trip, fall 1938) 29. -Music Store (Two Tars, June 1928; Liberty, Oct.-Nov. 1928) -Ice Cream Parlor (A Pair of Tights, Sept. 1928) -Police station (Night Owls, Oct-Nov. 1929) -Unmarked storefront (Blotto, Dec. 1929) -Florist (Pups is Pups, April 1930) -Antiques (The Panic Is On, May 1931) -Hardware / Plumbing Supplies (The Kickoff, Sept. 1931) -Florist with window display of plants and a funeral wreath (Scram, June 1932) -Mint Café (What Price Taxi, June 1932; Hot Spot, Aug-Sept. 1932; Now We’ll Tell One, Sept. 1932; Wreckety Wrecks, Nov. 1932) -Hardware / Plumbing Supplies (Thundering Taxis, early 1933) -Jeweler’s with small window signs advertising “Fine Saks Jewelry” (The Midnight Patrol, June-July 1933) -Auction shop/Finlayson’s furniture store (Thicker Than Water, July 1935) -Crescent Drug Company Prescriptions & Sundries (Nurse to You, early summer 1935) -Furniture Antiques Tapestries (Twin Triplets, Aug. 1935; Top Flat, fall 1935) -Manhattan Pool Billiards (Kelly the Second, Jan-Feb. 1936) -Sterling Employment Agency with number 1806 painted on glass transom above door (A Chump at Oxford, Sept. 1939) -Dress shop (Twilight Zone episode “Two”, Sept. 1961) -Second floor level: apartment with large window and ledge (A Pair of Tights, Sept. 1928). 30. -Hill’s Art Store (Two Tars, June 1928) -Piano store with number 413 on door (Angora Love, March 1929) -Mozart’s Since 1897 (High Gear, Nov. 1930) -Stationery store (The Panic Is On, May 1931) -Antiques Gold and Silver Bought & Exchanged [to left of doorway] / New & Second Hand Clothing Hats Shoes And Underwear [to right of doorway] (Birthday Blues, July-Aug. 1932; A Lad an’ a Lamp, Sept. 1932) -Henri Boutloug Tabac Cigarettes Papier Zig Zag (Arabian Tights, spring 1933) -Boarded over (Another Wild Idea, May 1934) -Confectionery (Twin Triplets, Aug. 1935) -Blue Bird Radios (Kelly the Second, Jan-Feb. 1936) -Sporting goods (The Awful Tooth, Apr. 1938) -Office building with open façade and recessed entryway (A Chump at Oxford, Sept. 1939) -Recruiting office (Twilight Zone episode “Two”, Sept. 1961) 30A. -Small narrow entrance to doorway with apartment house-style mailboxes and doorbells within (You’re Darn Tootin’, Jan. 1928; Two Tars, June 1928; Cat Dog & Co., Feb-March 1929; Angora Love, March 1929; Snappy Sneezer, May 1929; High Gear, Nov. 1930; The Panic Is On, May 1931; What Price Taxi, June 1932) -Dr. H.R.White office (Pups Is Pups, Apr. 1930) -Recruiting Office, French Foreign Legion (Arabian Tights, spring 1933) -Bradly Arms Apts. (The Bargain of the Century, spring 1933; Benny from Panama, early 1934) -Apartment house entrance (Kelly the Second, Jan.-Feb. 1936) 31. -Perfect Hand Laundry (Dumb Daddies, 1927) -ABC Restaurant (The Family Group, Dec. 1927; You’re Darn Tootin’, Jan. 1928) -Charlie Hall’s gumball store/Prescriptions Drugs Sundries Ice Cream and Candies (Two Tars, June 1928) -Bank (Going Ga Ga, Sept. 1928) -Royal Caterers Confectionery (Liberty, Oct-Nov. 1928; Noisy Noises, Oct-Nov. 1928; Cat Dog & Co., Feb-March, 1929; Angora Love, March 1929; Snappy Sneezer, May 1929; When the Wind Blows, Oct-Nov. 1929) -Empire Cleaners and Dyers Laundry (Pups Is Pups, Apr. 1930) -Ye Olde Caterers (Teacher’s Pet, May 1930) -Malt and Hops [to left of entrance] / McMahon Bros. Wholesale Grocers [to right of entrance ](Pardon Us, June-July 1930; High Gear, Nov. 1930; The Pip from Pittsburg, Nov-Dec. 1930) -Malt and Hops Groceries / McMahon Bros. Wholesale Grocers (The Panic Is On, May 1931; One Good Turn, June 1931) -Paris Millinery (Too Many Women, Feb-March 1932) -Unmarked storefront (Scram, June 1932; A Lad an’ a Lamp, Sept. 1932) -Delicatessen (Midsummer Mush, summer 1933) -Unmarked store front with cabinet radio on sidewalk (Another Wild Idea, May 1934) -Perfumes Cosmetics store (Kelly the Second, Jan-Feb. 1936) -At sidewalk level in front of right window of store: sidewalk elevator down to basement (You’re Darn Tootin’, Jan. 1928; Liberty, Oct-Nov. 1928; Noisy Noises, Oct-Nov. 1928; Snappy Sneezer, May 1929; The Pip from Pittsburg, Nov. 1930; Too Many Women, Feb-March 1932) -second level: vertical “ROOMS” electric bulb sign (Their First Mistake, Sept. 1932; Sons of the Desert, Oct. 1933; Another Wild Idea, May 1934) 31A. -Arched doorway. Glass upper half of door marked “French’s School of Dramatic Art” (The Family Group, Dec. 1927; You’re Darn Tootin’, Jan. 1928; Two Tars, June 1928; Liberty, Oct.-Nov. 1928; Snappy Sneezer, May 1929; High Gear, Nov. 1930), subsequently unmarked. Number 517 above doorway (You’re Darn Tootin’, Jan. 1928) 32. -National Hardware Co. (You’re Darn Tootin’, Jan. 1928; Two Tars, June 1928; Going Ga Ga, Sept. 1928; When the Wind Blows, Oct-Nov. 1929) -J.W. Burns Sporting Goods Everything For the Golfer (All Teed Up, Jan. 1930; High Gear, Nov. 1930; One Good Turn, June 1931; Too Many Women, Feb-March 1932; Scram, June 1932; Birthday Blues, July 1932; Hot Spot, Aug Sept. 1932; A Lad an’ a Lamp, Sept. 1932; Sneak Easily, Nov. 1932) -J.W. Burns Bicycles & Accessories (Midsummer Mush, summer 1933; Sons of the Desert, Oct. 1933) -J.W. Burns (Nurse to You, early summer 1935) 33. -False brick façade constructed over the Hal Roach Studios Property Storage building circa 1931. Church (Too Many Women, Feb.-March 1932; Birthday Blues, July 1932). Subsequently removed some time after 1934. 34. -Hal Roach Studios Wardrobe Department and Property Stage building. (Sons of the Desert production shots, Oct. 1933; Nurse to You, early summer 1935; Swiss Miss production shot in color, early 1938). 35. Hal Roach Studios Dressing Rooms [for featured and day players]. 35A through 35D. Hal Roach Studios Construction/Property Dept. Seen as National Lumber Co. (Busy Bodies, July 1933). The shed destroyed by the falling ladder was constructed in the open space between 35A and 35B. There was 65 feet of open space between these structures. 35A. Hal Roach Studios Paint Shop. 35B. Hal Roach Studios Mill Building. The building into which Stan and Ollie walk in Busy Bodies (July, 1933). Replaced circa 1936 by Sound Stage 5. 35C. Hal Roach Studios Plaster Shop and storage building. The tall square structure seen to its rear, connected by multiple electrical wires to an electrical pole with transformer, is part of the transmitting apparatus for radio station KFVD. 35D. Hal Roach Studios Garage and Repair Facility. 36. Hal Roach Studios Stage One (containing Sound Stages 1 and 2). The first stage constructed on the Roach lot in 1920; originally open to the sky with muslin reflectors, the structure was roofed over by 1922. Exterior and interior seen as part of West Coast Studios (Dogs of War, Feb. 1923) as part of army recruiting base and parade grounds (Pack Up Your Troubles, May 1932) as background of depot (Strange Innertube, July-Aug. 1932) as Baggage Room exterior (Thundering Taxis, early 1933) as exterior wall of sawmill with flue in which Ollie gets stuck (Busy Bodies, July 1933). Stage One was roughly 200 feet long (east to west) and 100 feet wide (north to south). The side nearest National Blvd. was reserved for storing scenery and props. 37. Hal Roach Studios Loading Dock / Casting Offices for extras and day players (Dogs of War, Jan-Feb. 1923). The loading dock, a raised wooden platform, connected Stage One with Stage Two (#38). Loading dock (Strange Innertube, July-Aug. 1932; Wreckety Wrecks, Nov. 1932; Taxi Barons, Dec. 1932; Thundering Taxis, early 1933; At Sea Ashore, early 1936) 38. Hal Roach Studios Stage Two, constructed circa 1922. (containing Sound Stages 3 and 4, projection room, and recording studio). Exterior seen as part of pier (Get ‘Em Young, Aug. 1926; Sailors Beware, Apr. 1927) as depot (Strange Innertube (July-Aug. 1932; Taxi Barons, Dec. 1932) 38A. -Unmarked storefront (Hot Spot, Aug-Sept. 1932) 39. -National Drug Co. Drugstore (A Lad an’ a Lamp, Sept. 1932; Maids a la Mode, early 1933). Vertical sign above entrance reading “Drugs” (circa 1936-1938, possibly earlier) 40. -Under construction (A Pair of Tights, Sept.-Oct. 1928) -Bro-Ken Arms Apartments (Hot Spot, Aug-Sept. 1932) -Furniture Co. Shipping Dept. (Maids a la Mode, early 1933) 41. -Shoe Store (A Pair of Tights, Sept. 1928) -Unmarked storefront with gowns in show window (One Good Turn, June 1931) -Globe Cleaning Dyeing Cleaning & Pressing While You Wait (Hot Spot, Aug-Sept. 1932; Wreckety Wrecks, Nov. 1932) -Postal Telegraph (Maids a la Mode, early 1933; The Bargain of the Century, spring 1933; The Midnight Patrol, June-July 1933; Top Flat, fall 1935) -Eagle Drugs Prescriptions (Public Ghost #1, late summer 1935) -Drugs (The Abbott and Costello Show, 1952-53, passim) 42. -Under construction (A Pair of Tights, Sept.-Oct. 1928) -Andres Rapier, two large plate glass show windows surmounted by filigreed ironwork facade (The Panic Is On, May 1931; Call A Cop, June 1931; Too Many Women, Feb.-Mar. 1932; Hot Spot, Aug-Sept. 1932; A Lad an’ a Lamp, Sept. 1932; Wreckety Wrecks, Nov. 1932; Thundering Taxis, early 1933; Maids a la Mode, early 1933; The Bargain of the Century, spring 1933; The Midnight Patrol, June-July 1933; Something Simple, summer 1934; The Lucky Corner, May 1935; Top Flat, fall 1935; Kelly the Second, Jan-Feb. 1936; The Abbott and Costello Show, 1952-53, passim) -Taxidermist’s (The Rummy, early 1933) 43. Unmarked storefront with tilework sills in checkered pattern beneath windows to either side of entrance. -Shoe store (A Pair of Tights, Sept.-Oct. 1928) -Pawnshop with three balls above doorway, umbrella-style canopy, and Money to Loan on both windows to left and right of entrance (Be Big, Dec. 1930; Birthday Blues, July 1932; Hot Spot, Aug-Sept. 1932; A Lad an’ a Lamp, Sept. 1932; Wreckety Wrecks, Nov. 1932; The Bargain of the Century, spring 1933; Me and My Pal, Mar. 1933; The Midnight Patrol, June-July 1933) -Cigarettes Pipes Tobaccos (For Pete’s Sake, Feb. 1934; Honkey Donkey, March 1934; Another Wild Idea, May 1934) -unmarked storefront (The Lucky Corner, May 1935) -J.C. Adams Jeweler (Public Ghost No. 1, late summer 1935; Top Flat, fall 1935) -Furniture Store (The Abbott and Costello Show, 1952) -Robert’s (The Abbott and Costello Show, 1953) -Lachlin Agency Travel Tours, with “Robert’s” sign hanging down over doorway (Twilight Zone episode “Two”, Sept. 1961) 44. -Large department store style show window (A Pair of Tights, Sept.-Oct. 1928; A Lad an’ a Lamp, Sept. 1932; It Happened One Day, spring 1934; Washee Ironee, late summer 1934; The Lucky Corner, May 1935; Public Ghost No. 1, late summer 1935) -Covered over with false stone-block pattern façade (Call A Cop, June 1931) -State Commercial Bank and Trust Company (The Abbott and Costello Show, 1952-53 passim) 45. -Covered with false stone-block pattern façade as with #44 (Call A Cop, June 1931) -Large department store style show window (A Lad an’ a Lamp, Sept. 1932; The Midnight Patrol, June-July 1933) -Armstrong’s (Beauty and the Bus, summer 1933; For Pete’s Sake, Feb. 1934; Honkey Donkey, Mar. 1934; Another Wild Idea, May 1934; Washee Ironee, late summer 1934; The Lucky Corner, May 1935; Public Ghost #1, late summer 1935) -State Commercial Bank and Trust Company (The Abbott and Costello Show, 1952) -Boarded over (The Abbott and Costello Show, 1953) 46. -National Bank of Commerce (Hot Spot, Aug-Sept. 1932) -Unmarked entrance (Thundering Taxis, early 1933) -Apartment house entrance (At Sea Ashore, early 1936) -Haunted House (Hide and Shriek, May 1938) -Entrance to Sharp and Pierce Horn Mfg. Co. (Saps at Sea, Nov-Dec. 1939) -Employees Entrance (Twilight Zone episode “Two”, Sept. 1961) 46A. -Show window: Evening Star Circulation 250,000 (Hot Spot, Aug-Sept. 1932; Maids a la Mode, early 1933) -Boarded over (At Sea Ashore, early 1936) -Sharp & Pierce Horn Mfg. Co. (Saps at Sea, Nov-Dec. 1939) -Mid-Town Restaurant (Twilight Zone episode “Two”, Sept. 1961) 47. -Corner with pillar (A Tough Winter, Sept. 1922) -Dry goods (Accidental Accidents, May 1924; Official Officers, Feb. 1925) -Grocery (Boys Will Be Joys, Apr. 1925) -Dry goods (Monkey Business, Nov. 1925; Jewish Prudence, 1926; Why Girls Say No, Sept. 1926) -Bootlegger’s (Bromo and Juliet, May 1926) -Grocery (Fluttering Hearts, March 1927; Putting Pants on Philip, Sept. 1927; The Battle of the Century, Oct. 1927; You’re Darn Tootin’, Jan. 1928; Going Ga Ga, Sept. 1928) -Set façade moved to site of #1 - #2 circa September 1928 and new façade constructed at #47 in its place: -Evening Star [as in #46A] (Hot Spot, Aug-Sept. 1932) -Sharp & Pierce Horn Mfg. Co. window (Saps at Sea, Nov.-Dec. 1939) -Plaque on corner: “Rusk Bldg.” (Pack Up Your Troubles, May 1932; What Price Taxi, June 1932), removed by fall 1932 [see also #28] -On Brownstone St. frontage: Evening Star (see #46A); to right of show window, large open garage style entrance, “Garage” sign protruding above sidewalk (The Kickoff, Sept. 1931) -Harbor Patrol Prison (Saps at Sea, Nov-Dec. 1939) -Second level: vertical sign “Star Drug Co.” (The Fourth Alarm, Apr. 1926) -vertical electric “Hotel” sign (The Kickoff, Sept. 1931; A Lad an’ a Lamp, Sept. 1932; Beauty and the Bus, summer 1933) -On south-facing frontage of corner, deep puddle (Why Girls Say No, Sept. 1926; Putting Pants on Philip, Sept. 1927) 48. -Star Restaurant (Accidental Accidents, May 1924; Official Officers, Feb. 1925; Why Girls Say No, Sept. 1926) -Fish and Chips (Seeing The World, Oct/Nov. 1926; Fluttering Hearts, March 1927) -Realiable Loan Co.(Putting Pants on Philip, Sept. 1927) -Electrical Supplies ( The Battle of the Century, Oct. 1927) -Wade Bldg. (Going Ga Ga, Sept-Oct. 1928) -Groceries (Bacon Grabbers, Feb. 1929) -Unmarked storefront (The Kickoff, Sept. 1931) -Cigars Cigarettes (It Happened One Day, spring 1934) 49. -Tenement (The Fourth Alarm, Apr. 1926; Fluttering Hearts, Mar. 1927; Putting Pants on Philip, Sept. 1927; Going Ga Ga, Sept. 1928) -Sheriff’s Office Civil Dept. (Bacon Grabbers, Feb. 1929) -Deaf and Dumb Institute (Below Zero, Feb. 1930) -Mrs. Mann’s boarding house (The Panic Is On, May 1931) -Steps on which the Gang sits (For Pete’s Sake, Feb. 1934) -Boarding house (It Happened One Day, spring 1934) 50. -United [indecipherable] (Why Girls Say No, Sept. 1926) -Eastern Costume Co. (Fluttering Hearts, Mar. 1927) -Police station (Washee Ironee, late summer 1934) 51. Brownstone façade with steps. Originally placed in intersection between #s 5 and 14 circa March-April 1932. -Laurel and Hardy’s tenement (Pack Up Your Troubles, May 1932) -Tenement (Call Her Sausage, June 1932; Scram, June 1932; What Price Taxi, June 1932; A Lad an’ a Lamp, Sept. 1932) -Daisy Orchid Dancing Teacher (Bring ‘Em Back a Wife, Oct. 1932) -Tenement (Thundering Taxis, early 1933; Nature in the Wrong, early 1933; The Midnight Patrol, June-July 1933; Beauty and the Bus, summer 1933) -Removed to position at northwest corner of “Brownstone St.” circa August 1933. -Arms Apt’s (Going Bye Bye, May 1934; Washee Ironee, late summer 1934) -Happy Home Orphanage with number 7805 on doorway (Shrimps for a Day, Dec. 1934) -Courthouse (Kelly the Second, Jan-Feb. 1936) -Building in front of which Rod Serling stands (Twilight Zone episode “Two”, Sept. 1961) 52. Three storey brick front at right angle to Main Street, with western frontage on a parallel line with the alley running between #27 and # 29. -Rear entry to professor’s laboratory (The Fourth Alarm, April 1926) -Plumbing and Hardware Supply (Bromo and Juliet, May 1926 -Building in front of which Sam Lufkin is standing (Two Tars, June 1928) -Unmarked storefront (Going Ga Ga, Aug. 1928) -Subsequently removed during renovations to the set frontages along Main St. in approximately Sept. 1928. 53. -Alley tenement (Hot Heels, 1922; Stage Fright, Feb. 1923; It’s a Gift, 1923; Big Red Riding Hood, 1924). 54. -Bell tower for Paradiso set (Why Worry? Feb.-Apr. 1923) -Fire station (Good Cheer, Sept. 1925) -This set was still in place as late as Sept. 1927 (its shadow can be seen cast on #s 8-9 in Putting Pants on Philip, Sept. 1927). Removed circa late 1927-summer 1928. |
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