American actress, the daughter of Estella Short. She married director Scott Pembroke.
Researcher Lisa Cross observed that "in numerous publications she, and her brother/actor (Mark) Antrim Short are often referred to as the siblings of actress Frances Short. The 1940 California Census lists Antrim and Frances being husband and wife! Find a Grave shows them on the same funeral plaque, without relation given and no other documentation appears to list Antrim and Frances as blood relations to Gertrude, Antrim or their parents Lewis W. or Eliza Estella. Also, on her marriage documents to P. Stanley Pembroke (dated 12/2/1925 & 12/5/1925) her name is typed in four times as Carman, not Carmen, as it appears everywhere else, including her grave plaque. Even her signature contains the second "a", though she muffed it So, who can say?"