1927 |
Duck Soup
Removal van man |
 1927 |
Why Girls Love Sailors Bemused sailor |
 1929 |
Bacon Grabbers [unidentified character] |

1930 |
Le Joueur de Golf 
[?] |
 1931 |
Pardon Us Insurgent convict |
 1931 |
Beau Hunks Riffian |
 1932 |
What Price Taxi Cabbie |
 1933 |
Me And My Pal Telegram messenger |

1933 |
Thundering Taxis
Cabbie |

1934 |
Rhapsody In Brew
Patron |

1934 |
Three Chumps Ahead
Pool hall patron |
 1934 |
Them Thar Hills Moonshiner |

1934 |
Something Simple
Conventionnaire |
 1935 |
Tit For Tat Friendly thief |
 1935 |
The Fixer Uppers Nose-blowing tenant |
 1935 |
Bonnie Scotland Native henchman/ Man dispensing flyers |
 1935 |
Hot Money Tenant |
 1936 |
The Bohemian Girl Cock-eyed bartender |

1936 |
Neighborhood House
Theatre patron |
 1936 |
Our Relations Messenger |
 1937 |
Way Out West Saloon audience member |