Series: Our Gang

Director: Robert F. McGowan
Producer: Hal Roach
Titles: H.M. Walker
Photography: Art Lloyd
Editor: Richard C. Currier

Stars: Allen Hoskins, Johnny Downs, Jay R. Smith, Mickey Daniels, Joe Cob, Mary Kornman, Jackie Condon
Company: Pathé Exchange
Released: 14 February 1926
Length: 2 reels
Production No.: K-5
Filming dates: October 1-19, 1925
Rating: -/10

Buried Treasure

Johnny is on a boat reading "Treasure Island", whilst elsewhere Mickey, Mary and Farina are on their boat looking for treasure. Farina gets into difficulty when he stomps one too many times on the wooden deck and falls through, with his legs dangling into the sea. Admiral Specks (JAY R. SMITH) is with his dog on the docks. He uses an ingenious idea by attaching the fishing line to the end of the dog's tail so that when he receives a bite it makes the dog bark!
The boys meet up on shore with a friendly captain who shows them a treasure map and then off to sea they all go. The kids sit around eating beans and discuss what they will buy with the treasure they hope to find.


Copyrighted January 23, 1926.
Film #47 in the series.
The opening intertitle card states that 14,987,652,376,456,983 kids have started out to find Captain Kidd's treasure. Just in case you were wondering, that is 14.9 quadrillion in lamens terms!
The words "Treasure finder" are written on the side of the Gang's boat.

Allen Hoskins
Johnny Downs
Jay R. Smith
Mickey Daniels
Joe Cobb
Mary Kornman
Jackie Condon
Lyle Tayo
Johnny's mother
Charlie Hall
Man in gorilla suit
Jack Roach
Man in lion suit
Florence Hoskins
Farina's mother
Eva Downs
Dorothy Vernon
Monte Collins Sr.
'Cap' Tuttle
Al Flores
Man in gorilla suit
Roy Saeger

CREDITS (click image to enlarge)

(click any image to enlarge)

The Little Rascals: The Life And Times Of Our Gang by Leonard Maltin & Richard W. Bann (book) (Robert Demoss/The Lucky Corner)
Jesse Brisson (identification of Monte Collins Sr, Al Flores)
Jorge Finkielman (lobby cards)

This page was last updated on: 26 February 2025