Spencer Bell

born: 25 September 1887
Lexington, Kentucky,
United States of America
died: 18 August 1935
Woodland Hills, Los Angeles, California,
United States of America
(complications from abdominal operation, age 47)

Black American actor, acrobat, stuntman who worked as a comedian for Lige Conley, Mack Sennett, Mickey McGuire, and others. Also did many bit parts in films of the early 1930s until his death in August 1935. He enlisted 4 Aug 1918; discharged 9 Aug 1919 (#3,943,917). Rank: Corp. Company: G. 815th Run[?] Inf. His second wife was Eva L. Gadiser [sic] (Jones), married on 24 Mar 1927 in Santa Ana, California. Both live at 1422 E. 48th St. Los Angeles, California.
His parents are Dick Bell and Sally Ashberry-Bell, both of Lexington; hers are Hosea Gadiser [sic] (Mexico) and Everlina Harris (Columbia).
He was buried at Soldiers Home Cemetery on August 21, 1935.

He has long been mistaken for a similar-looking actor, Curtis McHenry.

Films listed on this page: complete Hal Roach filmography;
plus 1 film with Babe Hardy.



Be Big!

Los Calaveras 

Les Carottiers 

You're Telling Me
Train porter

Hop To It!

Acknowledgements & sources:
https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1942-26181-16303-86?cc=1968530 (WWI Draft Reg. Card)
https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1942-29948-12993-91?cc=1804002 (1927 marriage)
https://archive.org/stream/californiacensus00reel143#page/n867/mode/1up (1930 Census, line 1 [?])
https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1942-23421-32608-7?cc=1916084 (1933 passenger list, line 28)
https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1971-26184-5945-28?cc=1932433 (CA Death Index #45452)
https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1942-21049-12094-11?cc=1916249 (headstone application)
https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1532&dat=19350810&id=5Yk9AAAAIBAJ&sjid=aisMAAAAIBAJ&pg=264,20541209&hl=en (third column mentions death)
"Pittsburgh (PA) Courier" Saturday, 31 Aug 1935 p.6. (Headline: MOVIE ACTOR DIES AFTER OPERATION.)
"LOS ANGELES,Calif., Aug.29--(ANP)---Spencer Bell, veteran film player, died at his residence, 1457 1/2 E. 48th street, Sunday,
after a relapse which resulted from an abdominal operation a month ago."
Steve Rydzewski (help and information; identification in Hop To It!)
Jesse Brisson (help and information; identification in You're Telling Me)
Jim Jarvis (help and information)

This page was last updated on: 12 February 2025