Series: Charley Chase

Director: James Parrott
Producer: Hal Roach
Photography: Len Powers

Stars: Charley Chase, Lorraine Eason, Will Walling, Kate Bruce, Charles A. Post, Polly Moran
Company: Pathé Exchange
Released: 06 February 1927
Length: 2 reels
Production No.: B-16
Filming dates: October 25 - November 4, 1926
Rating: 7/10

Are Brunettes Safe?

Available on BLU-RAY & DVD:

Charley is the editor of the 'Helping Hands' section of a newspaper and is answering a series of letters that have been sent in to his office. One letter is from a man named Bud Gordon who asks for advice when he cannot visit his elderly mother and encloses a photograph of himself which is a dead-ringer for the editor! Charley decides to visit the woman himself, given that he looks identical to her son. When he arrives in Oakdale he is recognised as (or rather, mistaken for) Bud Gordon, a bank robber with a reputation and word is sent around town to warn people that he has returned. As Charley walks through town everybody makes a mad dash to get out of his way. An armed man fires a gun at him and Charley quickly jumps into the back of a young lady's car.
She drives him to back her home where she picks flowers and apples from the garden. Their obvious attraction for each of them is confirmed when they both agree to accompany one another to their respectives engagements later on. Charley leaves and heads to the house of Bud Gordon's mother, whilst still pretending to be him. The mother is glad to see 'Bud' and notes how grown up he looks now. She reassures him that she still believes him to be innocent of all the crimes he is accused of committing, much to Charley's confusion! To make things more complicated, the mother encourages him to reconnect with his sister who is also at the house. Turns out to be the young lady he met earlier. The disappointment Charley feels knowing that the woman he has fallen in love with is actually his sister. Well, sort of.
Charley escorts his 'mother' and 'sister' along the street when he is recognised by an old friend who calls him Charley. Not wishing to have his identity blown in front of the ladies Charley pretends to not know the man and berates him. A little while later Charley returns to explain his situation to his friend when the women aren't around. Charley arrives at the charity dance and again is recognised as Bud by the 'village beauty' (POLLY MORAN) who drags him away for a dance. Afterwards Charley's buddy tells him that the girl behind the counter (his 'sister') is looking upset but Charley shrugs it off. The mother asks Charley to sing but Charley tries to get out of it by making an excuse that he has a sore throat, so a young boy is sent to get some rocky candy for him.
Unfortunately, the confectioner mixes up the candy with alum and Charley gets a mouthful of it and spends the next few minutes trying to sing whilst pulling outrageous faces! The sheriff and a few of his men storm into the dancehall and point out Charley as being the man who robbed a bank. Charley confesses to his 'mum' that he is not her son but when the sheriff asks him to prove it Charley attempts to show them ID. The sheriff mistakes it as him trying to reach for a gun and all hell breaks loose. Charley is approached by a man who tells him that Charley (or rather, Bud) is innocent and that he was framed and that it was the banker himself who stole the money. Charley uses a clever trick on a carousel to break bottles over the heads of everybody in the room as it rotates. Buddy shows up, now with his name cleared, and Charley gets his girl.

Favourite bit
It's the comical way Charley jumps over the fence.

Copyrighted January 14, 1927.
The film made its DVD/Blu-Ray debut in late 2024. It has recreated credits and intertitle cards. It is also my opinion that two of the opening credits' cards are the wrong way around: on the DVD, the Superving Director/Titles card comes last before the film begins, but usually it should be the Director's credit that comes last. This is the way I have constructed them in my credits image.
Charley is the editor of the 'Helping Hand' section for the Evening Herald.
The song that Charley sings is Kiss Me Again.
There is a clever scene at the end where Charley plays both himself and Buddy and they are seen together in the same frame.
My opinion
Very interesting idea to have Charley fall in love with a girl that turns out to be his sister! Well, sort of.... Anyway, this long-unseen silent comedy is decent enough. Lorraine Eason has a wonderful smile and is rather pretty too. Shame she didn't do more movies. Charley is on his top game here and even the supporting cast are watchable. The high definition version of the film now available on Blu-Ray does look very good. Recommended.

Charley Chase
Charley Chase/Bud Gordon
Lorraine Eason
Bud's sister
Will Walling
Tony Hardscrapple, banker
Kate Bruce
Charles A. Post
Jimmy, taxi driver
Polly Moran
Village beauty
Flora Finch
School teacher
Broderick O'Farrell
City editor
Madge Hunt
Villager at train station/
Dancehall patron
Charlie Hall
Villager at train station
Charles Lloyd
Villager at train station
Al Hallett
Oakdale telegraph officer
Chet Brandenburg
Oakdale busboy/
Dancehall patron
Clara Guiol
Switchboard operator
Ham Kinsey
Dancehall patron
Sammy Brooks
Short storekeeper/
Dancehall patron
Harry Tenbrook
Armed man in town/
One of the sheriff's men
J.J. Clayton
One of the sheriff's men
Wilkie C. Mahoney
Banker's assistant
Hope Harper
Dancehall patron
Sheila Hayward
Dancehall patron
Edna Hall
Dancehall patron
Leon Rey
Dancehall patron
Buddy McNeal
Chris Lynton
Violet Seton
Dancehall patron
Lige Conley
One of the sheriff's men
Clarence Morehouse
Sheriff's man who knocks switch
Ed Brandenburg
Sheriff's man
Jean Darling
Laughing girl at dancehall
Al Flores
Newspaper office worker
Train porter
Man with soda bottle
Drinks waitress

CREDITS (click image to enlarge)

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(click any image to enlarge)

Smile When The Raindrops Fall by Brian Anthony & Andy Edmonds (book)
Kit Parker (stills, taken from Blu-Ray release)
Jesse Brisson (identification of Broderick O'Farrell, Madge Hunt, Harry Tenbrook, Wilkie C. Mahoney, Sheila Hayward,
Buddy McNeal, Clarence Morehouse, Al Flores, Jean Darling, Leon Rey, Edna Hall, J.J. Clayton, Lige Conley)
I personally identified Charles Lloyd, Clara Guiol, Chet & Ed Brandenburg, Ham Kinsey, Hope Harper, Chris Lynton

This page was last updated on: 28 February 2025